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Free resources and activities Teaching math

Math games for the Holidays

Author: Scolab | Publish on December 9, 2020
Candy hunt Buzzmath

Approximate duration: 45 minutes
Recommended levels: Grades 1 and 2, and grades 5 and 6

At Buzzmath, our goal is to make math interactive, playful and enjoyable so that your students or children can have fun while learning. We believe that it’s possible to achieve this goal by transforming the time spent learning math into time spent playing games.

We know that as teachers or parents, you’re often on the lookout for math games to do with your students or children, in the classroom or at home, so that they can practise the math concepts they learn during the school year.

That’s why the Buzzmath team decided to offer you two activities to print for the Holiday period: one for students in grades 1 and 2 and the other for those in grades 5 and 6. We have prepared a Candy Hunt, a game that combines math with the fun of learning!

In this math game, the players must complete three activities in order to collect three clue cards. The successful completion of the activities and collection of the cards will tell them where to find the imaginary bag of candies, which the teachers have hidden in the school.

At school

Simply divide your class into small groups of 3 or 4 students to play.

At home

If you have more than one child, form teams. For example, if you have two children, one child will play against the other. If you have one child, he or she can do the activity on their own.

We hope that playing this math game with your students or children will enable them to have fun while learning math skills. After all, whoever said mathematics can’t be fun?

Below are the explanations as well as all of the material you’ll need to do this activity. Simply print it and let the fun begin!

Documents to download for grades 1 and 2

Documents to download for grades 5 and 6

Now you have everything you need to start the activity. We hope you’ll take advantage of this opportunity to play and have fun with your students or children.

If you enjoyed this activity, please do not hesitate to share it with your colleagues, friends and family on your social networks so that they can enjoy it too.

Above all, don’t hesitate to share photos with us taken during the activity by posting them on your social networks, while mentioning Buzzmath or the hashtag #buzzmathactivities! Simply click the button below to share the activity!

If you’d like to read some interesting articles about mathematics and teaching, why not take a look at three of our most recent articles. They are available right now for your perusal. Happy reading!

» Turn Math into a Cool math Game

» How Can I Motivate My Child at Home in Math?

» Equity: One of our guiding principles

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