
The ideal place to discover educational articles on math, free activities, Buzzmath news and lots more.

10.11.2019 | Sunil Singh
1000 Years of Revolution: The Stories of Women in Mathematics (Part I)

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10.04.2019 | Sunil Singh
History of Mathematics: Why We Need to Look Backwards to Go Forward in Math Education

Here at Buzzmath, we are starting our 16th school year supporting students and teachers with engaging math activities that are aligned to the principles of play in learning and exploring mathematics.

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Teaching math
05.28.2019 | Scolab
Spring into Summer Fun: End of Year Math Review

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05.15.2019 | Scolab
21st Century Skills That Students Will Need

While we are only two decades into our new century, the combination of historic, exponential development and introduction of social mediawhich has also imparted exponential changes to all our livesmeans that educators are feverishly trying to

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05.15.2019 | Scolab
Why Math Education Needs To Change

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Teaching math
05.08.2019 | Scolab
What Is Technology’s Moral Imperative in Math Education?

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Teaching math
05.07.2019 | Scolab
5 Ways To Mathematically Engage Your Students

The E-word, Engagement, has always been a much sought after idea in mathematics. How do we as educators meaningfully engage our students in mathematics that is intrinsically sustainingbeyond just the time and space of the classroomfor

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05.03.2019 | Scolab
Equity & Play: The Future of Math Education

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12.17.2018 | Sunil Singh
Using The Holidays To Reflect On Our Greatest Gift: Time

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Math in the day-to-day
12.04.2018 | Scolab
Simon is wondering how to make an informed decision when choosing your Christmas tree

Christmas is a wonderful time of year. Its an opportunity to connect with the people we love to enjoy the wonders of winter. And in this festive atmosphere, the Christmas tree definitely plays a central role!

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